Monday, November 30, 2009

'Tis The Season

Aaaahhhhh. Christmas.
I love this time of year. From the last week of November to the last week of December I'm usually in a pretty good mood.
I blame my mother. She's one of those Christmas-all-year-long types.
This year we put up our tree earlier than ever; the day after Thanksgiving. That means an entire month of Christmas Spirit. I think it's because this year we have our own home again. We can use our own decorations. We have our own space. It just feels like home. And Christmas.
I also love this time of year because it brings out the craftiness in me. I have been sewing like crazy: star ornaments, placemats, napkins, anything I can think of to make to avoid buying meaningless gifts. I have always been a fan of "handmade" but for some reason, lately, I am really getting into it even more. If I can make something with my own hands and my own mind then why would I want to waste time & money in a store buying something that doesn't have nearly as much meaning & love behind it. I feel good about what I make, and making things as gifts at Christmas makes me feel even better.


Laura Brann said... are so right on. I have several things my kids made for me years ago, but couldn't tell you - off hand - where half of the store-bought stuff is. Memories like grand children's hand prints in a plaster-of-paris mold or on a potholder with the year or wallet-size school pictures with crocheting around the edges are "keepers" for me. I still have a glass telephone inductor cover that my son painted "I Love You" on in kindergarten....and he's now 53 years old!! Make me a home-made purse any day over the crap they sell you in most department stores.

Pam's Oils said...

I totally agree with hand-made gifts and plan to have a bunch this year myself. Everytime I look at my Christmas Tree I come up with 4-5 projects of ornaments/tree toppers, etc. that I'd like to make so I hope to finish up my long list of outstanding xmas gifts soon so I can make those before its time to take the tree down.

BTW, I've started using that purse you made me as a walking-knitting bag. AKA, I have my yarn in the purse with the working yarn coming out of the bag and I am able to knit while I am standing around waiting for things like craft fairs to open, etc. I've received several comments. Now I just need to sew the button back on it. I stressed it out a little too much. Whoops.