Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Pictures & A Hair Cut

So I chopped off my hair last night (actually Erin did it for me). You can kind of see how long it was in my hat picture. Here's what I look like at this exact moment in time, post haircut. I think I lost about 6-8 inches total.

I also added a picture of my craft space in my bedroom. Bobby's happy that I finally moved all my sewing stuff out of the kitchen/dining room. Unfortunately it meant that I had to add to my space in our bedroom. I actually like having everything accessible. I was able to machine stitch on a scrapbook layout for the first time on Saturday. I work on 1/2 of a 6 ft table, and I have those cubes from Target for storage on top of the table. My stamps are in a drawer under the table, as well as all my cardstock, and my fabric is in the plastic bins. It works for me for now. Someday I'll have a whole craft room all to myself! :) (As long as Bobby has his own "man room" though.)

And I also have front & back views of the most recent purse I made for Diane. I just bought more fabric today to make a purse for my friend, Pam's, sorority silent auction. As soon as it's done it's off to Colorado. That will be my 3rd purse that's gone out of state! (of course the other 2 are also in CO, but I have more friends & family around the country... ;)


Brenda said...

I so love your hair! It really does become you. And doesn't it feel better?

I really like your purses. Is that like a window on the front where you can put a picture? I can't see it that well so I wasn't sure. Do you make them for other people to buy to purchase? If so, I am interested.

~ luv2scrap472003 ~

Kara said...

That's a neat purse Missie!

laura said...

Love the hair, Missie! So cute! And the purse is really cool, too. You do a great job with things!

Laura Brann said...

love your new could pass for your mother's twin!! You look good with short hair and it's much easier to take care of.