Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What? No Easter Pictures?

I can't believe it. I did not take a single picture for Easter this year. What's wrong with me? The Easter Bunny came & left roller skates, a Matchbox showroom, Betty Spaghetty, new clothes, and, yes, even some candy. But did I take a picture? No. Why? I have absolutely no idea. That is so not like me. The camera sat right here by the computer while we enjoyed Easter, but we have no documentation of that joy. Hmmmm. What to do? I guess I have no pictures to scrapbook of Easter 2008 (not that I'm even caught up with Easters 2006 & 2007). So I just took 2 pictures of Emma & Jake in their oh-so-natural, loving-eachother poses (yeah, right). And this is what happens when I tell Jake to not be so "cheesy" & just smile (he loses his upper lip for some reason). So they may not be Easter pictures, but they're 2-days-after-Easter pictures, and I guess that's good enough for 2008.

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