Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Scrapped!

For the first time in weeks (months, maybe) I pulled out the old scrapping supplies yesterday. Since neither of my printers are working I couldn't print recent pics, so I went through some old ones & found these great black & whites from my trip to Fort Collins, Colorado back in 2000.

I went there in November that year to visit Pam & her now husband, Rob. I was there for 4 days & had a great time. We tried to go sledding in the foothills. We hung out in Denver for a day. My favorite day was when Pam & I went shopping in Boulder. What a fabulous little city! I know I'm missing several pictures of this trip (all in color). Maybe I never developed them, I don't know. But at least I have these pics of that great trip. The next time I visit Pam & Rob (and now Mom Brann too!), I'll be sure to go when it's warm!


Laura Brann said...

Good job,girl! Little different style than my scrap booking, but who says there has to be a right way and a wrong way?? Can't wait until you come visit us.

Britt said...

great job miSSie!

Pam's Oils said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you found some pics from this trip. Warm season is here - 80 degrees today (though snow tomorrow.) When's the next visit?