Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday Morning

Aaaahhh, Sunday morning. I love it. I don't know why, but Sunday always feel like a calm day to me. I'm not a Church goer, so I know that's not it. Maybe it's because I run around on Saturdays trying to get stuff done. On Sundays I try to relax for a while in the morning, drinking my coffee, hanging out online, thinking of all the things I want/need to do throughout the remainder of the day. I try to sew on Sundays as much as possible.
I did a little sewing yesterday morning, but then I came up with a fabulous idea for a gift for my mom, so I went out to get the materials for it and now I have to sew like crazy to get it halfway done (not finishing it til after Christmas, but I want her to see what it will look like). I also have 2 more blankets to finish for the nieces & nephews in NJ. Unfortunately they won't arrive til next week, but who doesn't like getting more gifts after the big day?
So, I will sit here for a little longer, finish my coffee, partake in one more cinnamon roll, and then off to the second floor for the rest of my day.
Hopefully the kids won't fight too much....


Laura Brann said...

Just think, week at this time, dinner will be over, the gifts will be scattered throughout the house, the wrappings will be in the dumpster.....and what will we do for the next 365 days???

Missie said...

I will be sewing as much as possible for the next 365 days. I'd like to have many handmade gifts ready to go before Christmas season next year. I always seem to rush around at the last minute to buy this and make that. If I can make as much as possible then I won't be so stressed come shopping time.

Laura Brann said...

Excellent idea....for all of us. My mother used to start buying the following year's gifts the day after Christmas when all the sales were out there.